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How to clean pearls at home

How to clean pearls at home

To clean pearls gently, start by laying the strand on a soft cloth

Because they're so porous, pearls can easily lose their luster. Whether real, cultured, or faux, you must clean them with care. Rule number one: Never soak pearls as doing so can cause the string to weaken and break.

To clean pearls gently, start by laying the strand on a soft cloth. Dip a clean, small makeup brush into a mixture of warm water and a little shampoo, and go over each pearl. To finish, rinse the pearls with a clean, well-wrung damp cloth. Let the strand dry flat to prevent the string from stretching.

This no-soak treatment also works well for turquoise and opals (which are also porous stones). Special pearl care kits include tissue sachets of cleaner and a polishing cloth.


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