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Birthstones are a collection of precious and semi precious gems.

Do you know what your Birthstone is and what it means?

Birthstones are a collection of precious and semi precious gems. Each stone represents a different month of the Gregorian Calendar

The month that you are born has much symbolism including a special birthstone. Do you know yours and also what it means?

Many people wear birthstones as jewelry and rings and the color can also give an insight into your personality too. Birthstones are a collection of precious and semi precious gems.

Each stone carries certain characteristics that are said to be true of the wearer. February for example is Amethyst and is associated with royalty. How true is your stone of you?

Do you know what your Birthstone is and what it means? from Visualy 

Do you know what your Birthstone is and what it means? from Visualy

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