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How to Clean Your Engagement Ring at Home

How to Clean Your Engagement Ring at Home

Keeping your Engagement ring clean, however, isn't just about keeping it sparkly. You're going to want to take a minute while you clean to make sure the ring's still looking as perfect as the day you got it.

Keeping your Engagement ring clean, however, isn't just about keeping it sparkly. You're going to want to take a minute while you clean to make sure the ring's still looking as perfect as the day you got it.

Experts recommend cleaning your engagement ring every couple weeks—or more, if you're wearing it during household chores and strenuous activities, such as outdoor sports. Simply put: "The more of this you do, the more often you should clean your ring," says Elbaz. And no, there's no such thing as cleaning it too much.

That being said, when you clean it, avoid using harsh chemicals (think bleach, chlorine, and acetone) and commercial silver and gold cleaners whenever possible. You don't need to buy some super-fancy product to get the results you need: Our experts suggest good ol' soap and warm water to get your ring shining again.

Fill a small bowl with warm water and a squeeze of dishwashing soap, then drop your ring into the dish for a 15-minute soak. "This will loosen any dirt, lotion, or dried soap that has settled into any crevices or behind your gemstone," says Maslow-Blackman. Once it's had its bath, take your ring out for a rinse: Run it under a steady stream of warm water—making sure your sink drain is stopped—and turn it around so the water can run over the top and bottom of the ring.

If you want a "slightly deeper, but still natural" clean, Vanessa Stofenmacher, founder and creative director of fine jewelry company Vrai & Oro, recommends soaking your engagement ring in witch hazel or white vinegar "for about five minutes." (She uses half a cup of white vinegar, FYI.)

If you spot any lasting residue, take a soft-bristled or old toothbrush and gently scrub around the stone, taking care to hit the bottom, where the light shines through and really gives your gem its sparkle.

Finally, says Maslow-Blackman: "Dry your ring with a soft cotton cloth—no paper towels, because they will scratch your metal—and let it air-dry for about 15 to 30 minutes before putting it back on."

Although you can definitely keep your ring clean regularly on your own, Slisha Kankariya, co-founder of With Clarity (formerly Four Mine), recommends bringing it back to your jeweler once a year for a thorough ultrasonic cleaning. "This will ensure that it gets a deep cleaning to keep it looking forever new," she says. Most jewelers will happily offer this service as part of their lifetime warranties, which means you won't have to pay when you stop by.


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