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Color affects us in so many ways. It’s a reflection of who we are. What does your favorite color say about you?

Find Out Your Favorite Color’s Hidden Meaning

Color affects us in so many ways. It’s a reflection of who we are. What does your favorite color say about you? Find out now.

Color affects us in so many ways. It’s a reflection of who we are. What does your favorite color say about you? 

Is there a certain color that you love more than another? Most people have a favorite color that reminds them of something they hold dear but did you know they can have special meanings?

There is nothing random in this world and our subconscious works in mysterious ways. We’ve included an infographic from Emily Parker of College Matchup. Find out what yours means now.

Find Out Your Favorite Color’s Hidden Meaning via College Match Up

Find Out Your Favorite Color’s Hidden Meaning via College Match Up


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