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what is black diamond?

Everything you want to know about black diamonds

"Black diamonds are real diamonds, with the same chemical composition as traditional colourless diamonds. The answer is in the word 'Black Diamond'."

If you are enchanted by diamonds, you must've heard about black diamonds too. The chemical name for black diamond is carbonado and it is one of the toughest forms of natural diamonds. What makes it rather unique is the fact that it is impure, high in density, micro-porous form of polycrystalline diamond consisting of diamond, graphite, and amorphous carbon. But this naturally occurring rock has now gained popularity, thanks to prominent jewelers, who have embraced it with open arms.

What defines a black diamond

Natural-colour black diamonds typically are completely opaque, with a high luster that gives the stones an almost metallic appearance and according to Manju Kothari, Creative Director, Entice by KGK, cutting and polishing them can be difficult.

Kothari goes on to explain how the black diamond is different from a regular diamond and says, "Black diamonds are real diamonds, with the same chemical composition as traditional colourless diamonds. The answer is in the word 'Black Diamond'."

Black diamonds are rare

Another reason to buy them is the fact that they are extremely rare. Milind Mathur, Creative Director and Partner, Kohinoor Jewellers Agra feels there is something about the colour black which exudes class. "Black diamond’s fall under the category of fancy diamonds and are graded differently than white diamonds. The natural black colour comes from the presence of small dark coloured inclusions. They have a metallic luster and appear opaque. 

Why is black diamond catching up?

Kothari feels the black diamond is picking up because "It is a beautiful stone with a distinctive look and inducing black colour unlike other diamonds in the marketplace and of course, they are often more affordable than other diamonds."

The significance of a black diamond

Black diamonds symbolize eternal, flawless and unchanging love making them perfect for a diamond engagement ring. Black diamonds are also associated with passion, action and energy.

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